Return of the Coyote

My latest novel was released on ebook on Amazon today (the print book should be available in a couple weeks). Many readers have asked about a sequel to Night of the Coyote, suggesting they were left hanging about the futures of Skye dePaul and Ethan Ramsey, the protagonists. Whether the reader likes the outcome or not, the answer will found in Return of the Coyote.

This will be a wide-ranging novel with lots of action, some tragedy and, of course, a bit of romance. Is it a good novel? I’ll let my readers decide. I’m a terrible judge of my own work.

I am presently working on Dismal Trail, the third book of the Law Wrangler series, which I hope to have out in early summer. While I expect to continue this series indefinitely, I think of this book as the final one of a trilogy featuring the end of the Comanche wars with Quanah Parker and the last of the holdout Kwahadi. I’m having fun with this one, and I hope this is reflected in the product.

I anticipate having two or three additional Law Wrangler books out in 2017. This is the year I transition to full-time writing, and I look forward to writing many novels in the months and years ahead.

I have one final self-serving note. If you enjoy my novels, a review on Amazon is very helpful and appreciated.

Good reading,
