My latest novel, Unbroken, is now available on Amazon Kindle. The trade paperback version is forthcoming.
Unbroken is a historical fiction novel based upon the life of Henry Ossian Flipper, the first black graduate of West Point, who sought his dream in the Southwest. I have written historical fiction previously, including Spur Award finalist Cut Nose, but prior works have been based on events more than individuals.
After my work on Unbroken, I can attest it is much easier (at least for me) to focus on events. Nonetheless, I have satisfied a longtime desire to write about this unique person and his achievements. Some of the action scenes in this novel are fictionalized. There is no way a writer can be certain what a historical character truly thought, said, and did in given situations, although Flipper left writings and there were some public records that were helpful in that regard. I have tried to tell his basic life’s journey with historical accuracy, and I hope readers will enjoy the book and learn a bit during their reading journey.
I have started working on my next novel with a working title of Dismal Trail. This book will be a standalone set primarily in the Nebraska Sandhills (think Coldsmith and Blizzard). I think I may be better at just making stuff up, and I know it is easier. This will likely be a substantially longer novel than Unbroken, which is shorter than most I write. I hope to see this book released in early March of next year.
Thanks to all readers for considering my books on your reading menu. I am grateful to all who follow my work.